Small-Brook Whisky - Rum 2023 (57% Vol):
Fässer: Rum
Nase: Süsse,
Rosinen, Heu, weisse Schokolade, leicht Zitrus
Mund: Süsse,
Noten von Rum, leichte Pfeffernote, Lakritze, frisches Leder, leichte Eiche im Abgang
Casks: Rum
Nose: Sweetness, Raisins, Hey, white Chocolate, light Citrus
Mouth: Sweetness, notes of Rum, light Pepper, Liquorice, fresh Leather, light Oak on the finish
Small-Brook Whisky - Original 2023 (50% Vol):
Fässer: 1st
fill PX
Nase: Süss,
Karamel, Sherry, Pflaume, Zimstange, leichte Eiche
Mund: Süss,
Zimt, Würze, Eiche, Sherry, dunkle Schokolade
Casks: 1st fill PX
Nose: Sweetness, caramel, sherry, plum, cinnamon stick, light oak
Mouth: Sweetness, cinnamon, spicy, oak, sherry, dark chocolate